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Dr. Slade Rated Highly Effective

Dr. Slade Rated Highly Effective

At its meeting on June 26, 2024, the Kalamazoo Public Schools Board of Education unanimously voted to rate the first-year superintendent “highly effective.” The results were announced after a closed session. 

School boards must annually evaluate their superintendent's job performance as part of a comprehensive performance evaluation system. The evaluation covers governance and board relations, community relations, staff relations, business and finance, and instructional leadership. The superintendent was also evaluated on student growth and progress toward district-wide goals. 

Dr. Darrin Slade began serving as superintendent of Kalamazoo Public Schools on July 1, 2023, following a nationwide search by the KPS Board of Education.

Following the board vote, President TiAnna Harrison shared comments on behalf of the trustees, which included praise for the superintendent's visibility in the community including holding 49 sessions to seek input for the upcoming strategic plan, prioritizing staff input, and renewing the focus on student achievement. She stated, “The focus on attendance and improved student behavior has been exemplary. The board is excited about the progress made and expresses their thanks for a job well done.” 

Dr. Slade thanked the Board of Education, students, parents, and staff. He stated he is “looking forward to keeping the needle going in a positive direction. It was a great first year, and I look forward to going into next year and continuing the positive progress.”