PowerSchool and Grading Guidelines FAQ
In an effort to accurately report how well students are understanding the concepts of a course, the grading program PowerSchool, has been designed to calculate grades based on 90% assessments and 10% classwork/homework. These settings can be adjusted by teachers but it is recommended to keep the default setting to ensure that the majority of a student’s grade is a reflection of what they know and can do.
- Are 90% of students' grades made up of only test scores?
- What is the other 10% of a student’s grade made up of?
- How can I view my student’s grades in PowerSchool?
- How can I tell the difference between an assessment or and classwork/homework in PowerSchool?
- What if my child is not a good test taker?
- Is the decision to base a majority of students' grades on assessments supported by research?
- Can students retake assessments or make corrections to improve their grade?
- How do these grading practices align with expectations for college?