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Seventh Grade

Before you know it, your sixth grade year will come to an end, summer vacation will come and go, and you will be back to school as a seventh grader. And because it will be here faster than you think, we have already begun to plan for your seventh grade year. An important first step in planning is to determine which courses are appropriate for you. We will be evaluating your performance on district and state tests to determine which English language arts and mathematics courses will serve you best. That is one reason why it is important that you always do your best; not only on classroom tests, but also on district and state tests such as MAP and M-STEP.

While most of the courses you’ll take next year are required, you will be able to choose some courses of interest (such as art, music, and Spanish). However, if your test results indicate that you need some support with your reading and math skills, you will be required to take extended learning courses before you can take electives.

Middle School Bulletin of Courses


Full-Year (36 weeks)

  • English Language Arts or Advanced English Language Arts 7
  • Mathematics or Advanced Mathematics 7
  • Science 7
  • Social Studies 7

One-Trimester (12 weeks)

  • Computer Applications 7
  • Physical Education 7

ELA or math extended learning courses (Strategic Reading or Strategic Math are required for students performing below grade level as indicated by the results on state and local tests. Opportunities for elective courses will be limited.

Students who are not required to take extended ELA or math courses will choose elective courses to complete their schedule.

All seventh grade students are required to take the core academic courses below.  Students are scheduled into the appropriate ELA and math courses as determined by test scores and teacher recommendation. Academic support courses are also required for students performing below grade level as indicated by state and local test results.

In addition to the above requirements, students performing below grade level in language arts or math, as indicated by the results on state and local assessments, will have an additional period to build core academic skills.  Opportunities for elective courses such as art, music, physical education or Spanish, will be limited until grade-level expectations are met.