Unique Programs and Services
In additional to traditional course offerings and class settings, the following unique programs and services are available to meet specific student interests and needs:
Advanced Placement Courses
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are intended for students in grade 10-12 and are offered to challenge students and provide an opportunity to earn college-level credit while enrolled in high school by taking the AP exam. All students enrolled in an AP course will be required to take the related AP exam in May. AP courses follow guidelines as suggested by The College Board. AP course descriptions found in this Bulletin are listed by department. AP courses not offered at your home school may be available at the other KPS high school or online through Michigan Virtual University (MVU). Consult your dean of students if you are interested.
ATYP (Academically Talented Youth Program)
ATYP are classes offered in collaboration with Western Michigan University (WMU) to provide an accelerated high school curriculum for students possessing unusually high mathematics and verbal abilities. Classes meet on the campus of WMU for two and a half hours per week (September through June). Students must meet qualifications to be eligible to participate in ATYP. For more information, please contact WMU at (269) 387-3553. Your dean of students can provide you with information regarding scheduling and credits.
Credit Retrieval
Students are required to pass all core academic courses. Students who do not successfully pass a course (required for graduation) will have to make up the course either during the regular school day (based on availability) or through alternative means (after-school program, summer school, or a KVCC course) and will have to pay the appropriate tuition and fees (where applicable).
Summer School
KPS summer school offers students an opportunity to make up credit in core academic courses during the summer. Pertinent information regarding summer school will be made available in May through your guidance counselor or by contacting the Department of Secondary Education at 337-0168.
Kalamazoo Valley Community College (KVCC)
Students must receive approval from the Dean of Students to make up courses at KVCC. Students are responsible for all related costs.
Student Assistance Program
This is a program that has well-trained professionals working toward prevention and intervention strategies for potential difficulties students may experience and for providing help to their families.
Testing Out
Testing out of a class can provide a student the opportunity to move into more challenging advanced classes, including college dual enrollment, at a quicker pace. Students interested in testing out should be self-directed learners capable of demonstrating an understanding of the subject area content expectations in the course for which they wish to test out.
In some instances, students may test out of either the A or B sections or the entire course. The student must score at least 70% or better on the district designated test in order to test out and receive credit. The testing out credit will appear on the transcript and will count towards the total number of credits needed for graduation. However, the score does not translate into a grade, and is not part of the GPA calculation for any purpose. When considering the test-out option, students need to consider the following: 1) the effect on their GPA calculation (this may mean NOT including a potentially high grade in the GPA); 2) NCAA requirements; and 3) other college admission considerations. See your counselor to inquire about your test-out options, test schedule, and/or to register for an exam.
Three, Four, and Five Year Graduation Plans
The Kalamazoo Public Schools’ high school graduation plan is flexible to meet the unique and varied needs of its students. Students may wish to accelerate their plan by graduating in fewer than four years, or in more than four years, if necessary. For specific details or to vary your plan, please consult with your building’s Dean of Students.