Grade Classification and Graduation Requirements
Enrollment/Grade Classification
The minimum number of credits needed for classification in each grade are:
- 9th Grade (Freshman) - Students who enter high school from one of our middle schools are expected to have passed all eighth grade courses.
- 10th Grade (Sophomore) – 5.5 credits
- 11th Grade (Junior) – 13.0 credits
- 12th Grade (Senior) – 18.5 credits
The minimum number of credits required to graduate is 26.0 credits.
Graduation Requirements
NOTE: The following graduation requirements were adopted by the Kalamazoo Public Schools’ Board of Education and meet the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC). The requirements are subject to review and may change at the discretion of the Board. Any such changes would follow a phase-in process. In addition to the Board-approved graduation requirements, students may need to meet additional requirements specific to their school. Your counselor can advise you of specific requirements for graduation.
Required Credits
Below are the number of required credits for each subject.
- English – 4 credits
- Mathematics – 4 credits
- Science – 3 credits
- Social Studies – 4 credits
- Physical Education – 0.5 credits
- Health – 0.5 credits
- Visual, Performing and Applied Arts – 1 credit
- College and Career Readiness – 0.5 credits
- Computer Applications – 0.5 credits
- World Language – 2 credits
- Electives – 6-10 credits
Earning/Making up Required Credits
Students are required to pass all core academic courses. Students who fail a course (required for graduation) will have to make up the course either during the regular school day, GradPoint, or through alternative means.
Additional Requirements for Graduation
- Michigan Merit Exam (MME) – The MME is comprised of the SAT with Essay, WorkKeys, and M-STEP (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress) Science and Social Studies (online).