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KPS Communications

The Kalamazoo Public Schools Communication Department seeks to promote the positive things happening in our district and provide accurate and timely information to our parents and community members. 

What we do

The Communications Department office is located at the Administration Building, 1220 Howard Street. You may email the department here or call the office at (269) 337-1572. Individual emails and phone numbers are listed below. 


Susan Coney, Chief of Marketing and Communications
Office: (269) 337-1573 
Cell: (269) 377-2296

Linda Mah, Communications Specialist
Office: (269) 337-0066 
Cell: (269) 491-5415

Leland Davenport, Communications Assistant
Office: (269) 337-1572

Angie Boyd
Administrative Assistant 
Office: (269) 337-0164