The Business and Finance Department is responsible for monitoring the budgets and spending of the school district. Skip To Main Content
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The Business and Finance Department is responsible for monitoring the budgets and spending of the school district. We are dedicated to providing support and financial guidance to school administration and staff so they can focus on addressing needs of our students. We promote fiscal responsibility through accurate accounting and reporting, asset protection, systems optimization, quality procurement practices, and sound cash management using short- and long-range budget and financial planning.

Department Contact Information


RevTrak is a hosted online payment center, providing a convenient way for people to make online payments for various fees, goods, and services.

The Business and Finance office is located at the Administration Building located at 1220 Howard Street. 


Laura Kayser, Chief Financial Officer 

Jessica Stoughton, Administrative Assistant 

Phone (269) 337-0115
Fax (269) 337-0155

IRS no longer requires form 1095-C
The IRS no longer requires a 1095-C form to be filed with your taxes. Due to this change, the 1095-C form will not be automatically mailed to you. If you would like a copy of your 1095-C form, it can be provided one of two ways:

  • Call MESSA’s Member Service Center at 800-336-0013
  • Secure message via your MyMESSA member portal account

If you have any questions, contact MESSA’s Member Service Center at 800-336-0013. They will be happy to help.